Understanding the American Anti-Vivisection Society

The AAVS mission is to provide awareness, activism, and the search for alternative methods of research in order to end to the use of animals in science. This organization began giving direct funds in order to support alternative research throughout the 1980s. Through this effort, one of the first people to utlize this movement was Dr. Joseph Leighton and his colleges where they attempted to provide a replacement for the Driaze test. This test utilized animals and their eyes to test the toxicity of materials taht might come in contact with human eyes.


Dying to Learn: Exposing the Supply and Use of Dogs and Cats in Higher Education

This report shows immoral school and university operations in which opportunistic Class B traffickers steal dogs from shelters and sell them to higher education institutions, where they are dissected and subjected to live procedure in instructional facilities, and are usually slaughtered. It tracks Cruella, a dog from Michigan, on her journey to a university teaching lab. Schools that obtain animals from questionable sources are also identified in the document.


Are dogs and cats used in the classroom in higher education establishments?

More than half of the United States' public institutions utilize living or dead animals for instructive reasons in life science fields such as medical school. Healthy animlas are taken advantage of as a way to practice intubation, surgery, and clinical training. It is not uncommon for biology departments to use animal cadavers as a way to teach anatomy.

Where are animals found that are used for institutions?

Unfortunately, via a practice known as "Pound Seizure," numerous dogs and cats are taken from animal shelters and are then utilized in academic studies. In addition, there are what is called Class B and Class A dealers that a school may use to gain access to these animals.

Is it fine to allow veterinary students to work with shelter animals in order to gain access to medical skills?

It is critical that future vets learn how to conduct surgeries and treatments properly, however, using animals from shelters is a non-essential thing. Building on top of this, by using dogs and cats that are in shelters, this action undermines the public's confidence in the safety and care of surrendered animals for safe refuge.


Supporters of AAVS Initiatives